Posts Tagged 'ipinterest'

Meeting Fellow Bloggers

This blogging experience, although I’m maintaining it for class, has opened up my eyes to quite a bit of stuff – one thing being the people you “meet” through blog posts. Let me clarify…

I didn’t really think anyone would be commenting on my posts. I figured if anyone would, it would be my family or close friends. But the opposite has actually been true. Now, granted, I don’t get comments on all my posts, and when I click “submit” on a post, I’m not impatiently awaiting to get a notification to approve someone’s comment. But c’mon, it does make a girl feel good when she gets to interact with people about a subject she loves.

And I’m learning people are very polite, too! Most of the Pinterest projects I’ve featured on my blog have generated comments from the original creator of the project, simply thanking me for writing a post on his or her project. I also noticed that Hollie from I’m Busy Procrastinating, who I found from the wall baskets for bathroom storage project I featured, thanked all the “fine bloggers” who featured her projects. She listed my blog banner with a link to my blog (along with others). Totally neat!

So because I appreciate interaction with my fellow DIY bloggers, I’m going to tell you about a neat blogger I follow. After I wrote a post about turning my Pinterest pins into projects, I received the following comment from a fellow DIYer:

“Great post! I was asking that question my self a while back which is why I started my blog, ipinterest, to challenge myself with 365 days of pinterest creations. Some days it is really hard to do, but so far, 84 days into it, I am throughly enjoying it, learning a few new things, and very glad I am doing it! Good luck to you as you venture into your other boards, you’ll be glad you did!”

Wow, and let me tell you. This blogger is dedicated. If you get a chance, go check out ipinterest. The blogger, Karie, as you can see above, has challenged herself to turn her pins into projects. Every day for a YEAR! How awesome is that? My favorite part about her posts is that she always includes a difficulty level between 1 and 5.

Anyway, all that to say that I’m thankful for the interaction I’ve gotten out of this blog. No, it’s not a lot. But it’s way more than I expected! I look forward to making more “friends” throughout my blogging experience.

And no, this is not April Fool’s. I promise, I really am thankful. It’s not a joke. 🙂

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