Posts Tagged 'wine cork'

Favorite of the Week: Wine Cork Letter

Retrieved from adventuresindiy1759.

Pinterest has been doing a good job of reminding me of things lately. Yesterday, as I was browsing the site, I ran across this DIY wine cork letter project. That’s when I remembered that my friend, Tina, sent me a picture message the other day of one she had done. Since her last name is Cole, she obviously did the letter ‘C.’

Chrissy, the blogger over at Adventures in DIY, lists step-by-step instructions on how to create this really neat cork monogram for your home. The corks are actually glued together with no backing in place, which means no extra supplies!

My friend, Tina, did hers a little differently. Instead of gluing the corks to each other, she bought a wooden letter ‘C’ at Hobby Lobby, painted it red and then hot glued the corks to the letter. Look how awesome hers turned out in the following before and after photos:



I’m thinking an ‘S’ might happen in my near future (after these next 10 days of school are over). Does anyone have any extra wine corks?

*Note: I absolutely do NOT recommend massive amounts of wine drinking in order to complete this craft. Just save them until you get the amount you need! Or better yet, get some from a friend who’s not using them.

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